Below is a summary of our updated plans for the former Homebase site which we submitted to the council in September 2024 in order to bring the development in line with the latest Building Regulations. Thank you to everyone who attended our consultation events in July. We are grateful for your input which has informed the final plans:

Continuing to provide 473 energy efficient new homes

A brand new Tesco Extra superstore including café and community space

Preserved 164 (35%) affordable homes for social rent

35% increase in biodiversity with 34 more trees

Celebrating the rich history of the Great West Road with enhanced art deco inspired architecture

No increase in maximum storey height

Introduction of 2nd staircases to all buildings in line with latest fire regulations

A gas-free development with 56% less carbon per sqm than consented
See the brand new images of the development below:

Retained height and art-deco architecture on the gateway to the Great West Road
A single additional storey has been added to the lowest height buildings along Syon Lane, ensuring no loss of market or affordable homes

Redesigned gardens offering greener shared communal spaces for all residents to enjoy
Biodiverse-rich landscaped gardens offering opportunities for play

New trees and diverse shrub planting creating a greener, healthier environment, welcoming visitors to the new Tesco Extra superstore